Thursday, December 13, 2007

feliz navidad

ive been pretty busy today, well not really, but i felt like i was super busy because i was away from my desk for almost half the day. our company had its annual holiday luncheon today, and they catered lunch for the entire building. they served a traditional holiday meal: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, etc. overall, the food was good (and it was free!) and i throughly enjoyed it.
after we ate, we got to enjoy a concert put on by the Cee Gees, which is a band that is made up of people that work here. fred is the drummer, and the 2 of the vocalists are vanessa and andie. they all did an awesome job, which is what i expected since they were able to leave during work hours to rehearse. (jealous!) so basically they got to rehearse and get paid to do so. so they performed christmas songs and everyone enjoyed it. including me.
i gotta cut it short cuz i get to go home soon. i gotta make like a tree and get outta here.

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