Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ridin' Dirty.

i don't really know how i ended up on here, or how someone convinced me to start writing a blog. but here i am, with a blog and a sore ass. thanks fred and shanel!

a good place to start would have to be explaining how i got the "dpitg" aka the "dirtiest player in the game" nickname.....surprisingly, its really not what you think.......or is it?

my friends and i have been playing football together pretty much since high school, and a couple of years after high school, we started a flag football team. we started out playing other people in the 'hood, then we moved on to tournaments, played in some small leagues, and now, after 4 championships, we are on our way to a 5th one(hopefully) in a really competitive league, going against some of the best teams in san diego. back to my story, i guess it happened when we were at a tournament in la and we were playing a team that was also from san diego. the weather that weekend consisted of hail, rain, and fury. so basically, perfect football weather, but i was hatin it. well, we were on offense and the play was for me to get the ball. so i get the ball, and the guy that comes up to pull my flags, grabs me by the waist instead and throws me to the ground. i didnt take lightly to this, since it was raining pretty hard and it was pretty cold. so i get up and pushed the guy, a little scrum ensued, some words were exchanged, but no punches were thrown. i remember the ref running towards us, but in the process falling flat on his ass because the grass was slippery. this sorta broke the tension, and luckily, nothing serious happened. afterwards, my friends told me that they have never seen that look on my face before, like i was gonna kill someone, and i thought that was pretty funny, since i still look like im 12 years old and they know that 60% of the time im pretty easy going.

also, during our first season in this league we are playing in now, we beat pretty much all the teams quite easily. our team is known to be very "cock"y when we play, and we use it as a tactic to get in to other teams heads and we use that to our advantage. on the field, people hate us, but off the field, we are perfect gentlemen. so there was this one game where we were beating this team pretty bad. i was on the sideline, and next thing i know, i see one of my friends on the ground wrestling with another dude. so after the play, theyre still going at it, so i leave the sideline to try and break it up. little do i know, this is illegal, and is grounds for ejection. so i get ejected, which is pretty embarrasing, and my friends give me a hard time once again....callin me the dirtiest player in the game.

you can ask some of my other friends about this "dpitg" title, but they might give you a completely different story, not football related.....


Fred Erick said...

very impressive first entry my friend. i am entertained and looking forward to future entries.

Anonymous said...

hahaha yay you made me laugh. :)i too think it was an impressive first entry.

Shanny and M.E. said...

hahaha yay you made me laugh. :)i too think it was an impressive first entry.

(i forgot to use my bloggy nickname)

Anonymous said...


now if only we could get shanny to post on a daily basis.